Friday, March 10, 2023

Hear Me Rant, Please

Living or dead. Flesh or mannequinShe is doomed. Nothing but a field with resources that men have the right to extract sex from. The tactic used to protect these horrendous excavators is separation of these events from society. Society is a pure safety net; men are not these perpetrators, and these events are legends happening in the outskirts of society, perpetrated by monsters who cannot be given the identification of a man. No, it is happening here. In this frame of reference, we suffer, reality. In your frame of reference of hypothesis, you blindly argue an accusation or two to be as bad as the act of violence itself. But it is not, in actuality. Where so many heinous perpetrators roam free, lead common, simple lives with their sanity and status intact. And contribute to this bedrock of rape culture. Uphold it, like a loyal descendant. Father it, like a tradition. And perpetrate such crimes, who orchestrate such environments. Build constraints so ingrained.

The straw that makes it all so myopically unhinged and humorous is when she speaks, they fail to de-centre themselves and take her muffled screams as jabs at their self-worth [read: offended like the buckled shoe almost fit]. They limit the world of hers down to themselves and subject her to horrid lives. And, when she speaks of what she is subjected to in this little world, it is taken as an accusation of generalisation of the entire class. That is followed by weirdly formed statements with the make-up of sensitivity and the undertone of threat. If such generalisations, no matter how justified they are based on the acts, are kept up, she soon won't have backing from them in the future. Loss of belief, they say. But did she ever have that belief of yours in her pain? Did you ever, for once, believe the chambers that throttle her? Most of her had to be killed, bled, and destroyed to save the future. And it is still flailing, still struggling. The chains are rooted. They believe they are entitled to stifling our fears and defences so they won't be met with the discomfort of their own actions. They believe we owe this to the good counterparts. They believe it's her duty to dig and dig through layers of pins and filth because somewhere there is good. They believe all are do-gooders, and since time immemorial, one shapely humanoid disguised as them has been committing all the zemblanious acts. They believe this because it helps them sleep at night. They believe this because it keeps the revolting taste of their own extremism at bay.

But, the day you recognise this dismissal. The level of apathy she is perpetually slapped with. When she is in need. When she is in pain. When she is out there in your world seeking help. Please, excavate the lives of all women and let the realisation hit you that this is not some one-time rarity with its own Wiki page. It is the bedrock of the civilisation that you oh-so-proudly say you've built with your manpower. A woman would never hate you, because she cannot. Because you will never allow her to. A woman will only leave you. Because that is the setting you have made default for her.

Removing women, exempting them from societal influences. If she is not the perfect victim, then she has to be the perfect human. Any straying is held as dilution of the struggles of women. The final act. That completes the dehumanisation of women in a society.

- Oizys.

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