Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April Twenty First: NaPoWriMo: Mellows of a Palette Veiled

And now for our (optional) prompt! Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that repeats or focuses on a single color. Some examples for you – Diane Wakoski’s “Blue Monday,” Walter de la Mare’s “Silver,” and Dorothea Lasky’s “Red Rum.”

Dreaming of golden-green fields,
And, watching amber-orange sunsets.
The senstional journalism, headlines hued.
The lily-livered heart, timid and pale.
The xanthous tumor in my soul,
a subtle pain.
The icteric tint in my cerebellum,
a shadowed stain.
The bronze repellent in my skin, an armor worn thin.
The soft ochre in my memories, where to even begin?
The goldenrod grin on my face, radiant and true
The tetartanopia of emotions in my vision, a bluish view
The dandelion-gathering in my thoughts, a dream grounded.
The citrine caress in my yearnings, a soft light.
The brass ancience in my resolve, a bold past.
The sickly peeling wallpaper, a solitary spell.

Guess the colour?

- Oizys.