It's been days. Days and nights.
Without light and warmth.
My body was crippled in this darkness. My heart froze solid.
Without my guiding light.
Without my warm sun. This soul itches to reach out into the day.
Keeps on finding the way to reach the sun.
In this dark path, I'm looking for the light.
All I've got are memories.
Memories of me and my sun, how it lighted up my day with bright colors and warm feelings.
Memories of me and my sun, sprinting with energy all through the day.
Memories of me and my sun, just together, distanced yet close enough to bask in each other's love.
But. Now. We are so far apart. So away. So far.
From each other, I can't even sense the warmth.
See the shine. It's all just dark. Pure, black darkness.
My body is just moving, falling, getting up, and moving.
Struggling to find that one day of light.
One ray of hope. From the sun. Dreading it for life.
Is night that far away from the day?
Is the moon separate from the sun?
Is it that difficult to be loved all over again?
I don't know.
All I know is.
This body. This heart. This soul.
Needs the sun.
Needs the light of her sun to exist.
To breathe. To live.
All over again.
All I crave is my sun.
Is it too much to ask for?
Is tomorrow morning too much to ask for?
- Oizys.
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